Learn G-Sec and T-Bills . It is best than FDs

Learn G-Sec and T-Bills . It is best than FDs

G-Sec and  T-Bill is Safer Investment Option

G-Sec and  T-Bill is Safer Investment Option

Central Government control G-Sec and T-Bill via RBI 

Central Government control G-Sec and T-Bill via RBI 

T-Bill means Treasury bills . It issues for 91 days, 182 days, 364 days.

T-Bill means Treasury bills . It issues for 91 days, 182 days, 364 days.

G-Sec means Government Security Bond. Duration from 5 to 40 years

G-Sec means Government Security Bond. Duration from 5 to 40 years

T-Bill and G-Sec return is higher than Fixed Deposits (FD)

T-Bill and G-Sec return is higher than Fixed Deposits (FD)

Better invest in T-Bill and G-Sec .  Zerodha provide easy way to invest

Better invest in T-Bill and G-Sec .  Zerodha provide easy way to invest

T-Bill and G-Sec can sell  before maturity in secondary market. 

T-Bill and G-Sec can sell  before maturity in secondary market.